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Budapest City Archives is the one and only general archives in Hungary apart from Hungarian National Archives, but one which also functions as city archives. The documents and cultural treasures it keeps are of outstanding significance concerning the cultural life and identity formation of Budapest, Hungary and the entire Hungarian community.

> Budapest City Archives webpage



Új űrlap a Támogató állásfoglaláshoz

Tájékoztatjuk tisztelt kutatóinkat, hogy július 1-től a Támogató állásfoglaláshoz új űrlap szükséges kutatóink számára. Az új űrlap elérhető a BFL honlapján, vagy közvetlenül itt. More...


The National Archives of Hungary is the nation's record keeper. Archival work in the 21st century is not only to collect, to catalog, and to restore historic documents, but also to serve the needs of society and the citizens, and provide them assistance in their research into history.

> National Archives of Hungary webpage



Winter holiday of the Central Archives of the Hungarian National Archives

Dear Researchers, We would like to inform you that the Research Rooms of the Central Archives of National Archives of Hungary, the Information Office and the Library will be closed between16 December 2024 – 09 January 2025. More...