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please do not register again, but sign in with your previously registered e-mail address!

Sign up

You can also sign up with your Central Identification Agent (KAÜ) account.
Basic data
Last name required. The maximum length of the last name is 50 characters.
First name required. The maximum length of the first name is 50 characters.
E-mail address required. The e-mail addresses you provided do not match. Invalid e-mail address. You have already registered with this e-mail address. Could not determine if this e-mail address is already taken or not. Please try again. The maximum length of the e-mail address is 50 characters.
The e-mail addresses you provided do not match.
Password required. The passwords you entered do not match. The password you entered is not secure enough. The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one lowercase, one uppercase, one special character and a number. The maximum length of the password is 100 characters.
The passwords you entered do not match.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Choose the archives in which you would like to register as a researcher for this year!

If you do not want to research (for the time being), you do not need to select any archives. Learn more about user roles here.
Text to Identify Refresh CAPTCHA Show a new verification code.
The verification code is required. The verification code you entered does not match the one displayed.
Acceptance of the Privacy Statement, needed for registration.
Additional personal information
Last name at birth required. The maximum length of the last name is 50 characters.
First name at birth required. The maximum length of the first name is 50 characters.
Place of birth is required. The maximum length of the birth place is 50 characters.
Date of birth required. Date format is incorrect. Date required in the following format:YYYY.MM.DD. (eg. 1970.01.01.).
Mother's last name at birth is required. The maximum length of the mother's last name is 50 characters.
Mother's first name at birth is required. The maximum length of the mother's first name is 50 characters.
Nationality required The maximum length of the nationality is 255 characters.
Permanent address
Country is required.
ZIP Code is required. The maximum length of the ZIP code is 10 characters.
City is required. The maximum length of the city/town is 60 characters.
Street suffix (street/road/square etc.) is required. The maximum length of the street name is 40 characters.
House number is required. The maximum length of the house number is 19 characters.
Postal address (If it is different from the permanent address.)
The maximum length of the ZIP code is 10 characters.
The maximum length of the city/town is 60 characters.
The maximum length of the street name is 40 characters.
The maximum length of the house number is 19 characters.
Phone number (optional)
The maximum length of the phone number is 30 characters.
The maximum length of the phone number is 30 characters.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Researcher Registration Form
National Archives of Hungary
Research subject is mandatory. The maximum length of the research subject is 500 characters.
The period of the research subject is mandatory. The maximum length of the research period is 100 characters.

Research type required.
Member institution required. The maximum length of the member institution is 255 characters.

Researcher Statement

I, the undersigned, declare under criminal responsibility that the above information is true and accurate, and I became acquainted with the Research Regulations of the National Archives of Hungary (MNL). Here you can read the Research Regulations, after reading it, please make your statement. At the same time I undertake to preserve the integrity and order of the documents received from the archives for research, I comply with the provisions relating research. Reproductions of the documents preserved by the National Archives of Hungary (MNL) can be published or made publicly available in any form only with the prior permission of the MNL and in compliance with its terms of publications.

Acceptance of the Research Statement required before submitting this form.

Declaration of access to my personal information held by the archives

I declare that any of the researchers listed in the National Archives of Hungary may have my personal information, so that he can get to know the subject of my research and the archival reference numbers researched by me. If you do not consent to the release of your information, you will not need to select any of the following checkboxes. If you selected the Acceptance checkbox, you will need to select one of the first 3 and the second 3 options below the field.

If you consent to the accessibility of the data, select at least one option in each section.

Researcher Registration Form
Budapest City Archives
Research subject is mandatory. The maximum length of the research subject is 500 characters.
The period of the research subject is mandatory. The maximum length of the research period is 100 characters.

Research type required.

Researcher Statement

I declare that the data I have provided above is true and accurate, and I acknowledge that I was informed about the Research Regulations of the Budapest City Archives, as well as the relevant parts of Act LXVI of 1995 on public records, public archives, and the protection of private archives, and the ministerial order of 27/2015. (V. 27.) EMMI. During my research at the archives, I accept that I am responsible for complying with the above-mentioned legislation. I acknowledge that I was informed about the Researchers' Data Processing Terms of the Budapest City Archives and I consent to the management of my personal data as described therein. During my research, I pay close attention to the applicable data protection and privacy regulations, and I take full responsibility for the consequences of any violation of these rights by me.

Acceptance of the Research Statement required before submitting this form.


Complete registration

Please click the button below to complete the registration, then activate your registration via the link sent by e-mail.